Outsourcing is a service to provide IT resources to a structural position within the company. This structural position can consist of only one or the whole personnel (team). This outsourcing will be the company's operational costs, not people costs, since we will monitor all administrative matters, including the payroll for IT resources.
With this service, clients can concentrate on the core business or business management while Orang-IT.id will manage the resources that will work on the business. Companies do not need to think about how to upgrade competencies, the expectations for each person is a waste of times, and how to get IT resources that are always up-to-date with the development of skill sets and the development of IT products. Orang-IT.id can also add training to upgrade skills according to the product and skill set requested by the client prior to the placement.
Start-up companies, banking, and financial services are suitable for this service. Ensuring that IT projects with a long period and continuity to the IT products being worked on will remain secure.